La Conchiglia restaurant revisits the tradition of simple foods and ancient knowledge.

Local vegetables with a genuine flavor; selected meats, fresh fish and shellfish from our sea recall the restaurant’s location, in the heart Venice’s gulf.

The executive chef enhances the genuine products of his cuisine through modern and archaic cooking techniques, using a variety of aromas associated with earth, fire, and the sea, such as the flavor of herbs, embers, and salt.

Restaurant La Conchiglia offers this and much more, like our pizzas and gourmet snacks. Your palate will be enchanted by our flavors. Your experience will not be easily forgotten and you will not be disappointed.

The Restaurant

A journey among the flavors of our territory, the venetian lagoon and our sea, its products, its scents, welcomed in a renewed environment, pampered by the skilled mastery of our chefs.

Contact us to book your table

Soon our special offers!

“The discovery of a new dish is more precious
to mankind than the discovery of a new star.”

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Via Dancalia, 90 – 30020 Eraclea Mare VE
Tel. +39 348 9336454